Memoires of a Geisha

NL I hope that one day we will be together and on the weekend we can cuddle and watching a good movie, we can all learn a lot from a value movies. If we don't have children we can travel and enjoy each other. Really it is not bad. I am thinking about you and love you more each day has passed and wished to see you again so we can continue what we left off... I love you. There are so much to love, to enjoy, to know in this world which I want to share only with you. I don't know if I ever know anyone else if we break up because:
Hửu duyên thiên lý năng tương phùng, vô duyên đối diện bất tương phùng. Em có nghĩ như vậy không ?

I am not looking for love but a great love that make life worthwhile.
Here is another one from the movies "The wedding date" which the man said that I would rather fight with you then make love to any one else.
It is easy to understand because the writers for these movies they spent month to think to write for the movies so the words have been choosen carefully.
-If we deny love that is given to us, if we refuse to give love because we fear pain or loss, then our lives will be empty, our loss greater.
-The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved. Mother Teresa
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